Great For Your Body, Great For Your Mental Health & Oh So Simple
The Evolution of Exercise from Kid to Busy Mom
Are you looking to feel better but have no time to exercise, no fancy gym equipment, and just no real idea of where to start? No problem! Just dust off a skill you mastered when you were 2 years old. Read on to learn about 9 amazing benefits of walking!

Gym memberships are great (although walking into a gym leaves me feeling a bit intimidated and like I need bigger arm muscles), exercise videos are super convenient, and of course, organized sports are an excellent way to stay fit and feel connected to others. Personally, I’ve engaged in all three of these at various stages of my life and the benefits of any type of exercise are so valuable.
I’ve even been a half marathon runner and will forever have amazing memories of long runs with my girlfriends down country roads. We would run for hours and never run out of things to chat about! It was amazing therapy.
But, my gym membership expired long ago (as in, before I was married and had kids!), I hung up my soccer cleats when I turned 40, and running hasn’t been a part of my life for a few years now. However, I am always on the go and I like to feel fit so what do I do now? I walk. I walk fast and I walk often!
Become a Proud Walker
It’s actually taken me a bit of time to feel proud of being a walker.

I grew up playing competitive sports and have always felt as if I wasn’t getting proper exercise if I wasn’t sweating profusely and on the verge of collapse. OK, that’s a bit of an exaggeration (but not overly). Sprinting in basketball and running a full sized soccer field is pretty intense.
When I first started going to a gym in my twenties, I often looked around and thought, why aren’t people gasping for air and collapsing on the smelly rubber floor? Isn’t that how you know you are truly exercising?
But at this stage of my life, walking seems to be the best bang for my buck!
In fact, I just got back from a 5km walk with a good friend and I feel happier and more relaxed than when I left the house. What more could you ask for?

Inspired by my walk today, I wanted to do a bit of research to really understand what the true benefits of walking are, and to share them with you in this post.
The Physical and Mental Benefits of Regular Walking
I am really amazed at what I have learned! Although I already knew walking was very good for you, I had no idea that the list of proven benefits was so extensive. Keep reading to learn more, and then more importantly, join the proud mom walker club!
The bonus is that there’s no need to collapse in a heap on the ground at the end of your walk in order to reap the rewards. 🙂
The Physical Benefits of Moderate-Intensity Walking
Here are just some of the reasons why moderate-intensity walking (don’t shuffle, stroll or otherwise mosey along!) would be a great addition to your weekly routine.
Benefit #1 – Improves Cardiovascular Health

Here are some words used to describe the type of walking that provides the best cardio benefits – brisk, vigorous, moderate intensity. Keep these descriptive words in mind as you set out on your walk!
According to Susan Kundman at, “Simple walking becomes brisk when you begin to breathe faster, develop a light sweat and feel some strain in your leg muscles.” These are signs that you are making your heart happy!
As always, if you have any concerns about starting any new exercise program, or you have underlying health issues, it is important to speak to your doctor for professional recommendations and advice.
Benefit #2 – Strengthens your Joints, Muscle and Bones
In 11 Biggest Benefits of Walking to Improve Your Health, According to Doctors, author Meghan Rabbitt states that you’ll see greater benefit if you challenge yourself by trying different routes (flat versus hilly), vary your pace (interval walking), and try to beat your time when following the same route.
It’s always good to mix things up both from a benefit perspective and a keeping-it-interesting-and-appealing perspective!
Benefit #3 – Helps Achieve Weight Loss or Weight Maintenance
Regular, brisk walking burns extra calories and releases hormones that burn fat which is of course great for weight loss. If your main goal in establishing a walking plan to lose weight, check out this fantastic article by Jenny Everett, How to Walk off 10 Pounds.
Here’s my favourite quote from this article…
”The best part: When women walk, deep abdominal fat is the first to go.”
Yes please!
Benefit #4 – Lowers Risk of Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancers and Chronic Diseases
According to Brianna Steinhilber in Why walking is the most underrated form of exercise, “a daily walk can reduce the risk of stroke in both men and women, reduce the days spent in a hospital each year and can even lower your risk of death by up to 39 percent (when compared with no leisure-time physical activity).”
What I love most about this is that walking is accessible to all so it is really quite amazing that we have this easy opportunity at better health and a longer life at our fingertips.
Benefit #5 – Reduces High Blood Pressure and Lowers Cholesterol
Steinhilber also shares that, according to studies conducted by the University of Boulder Colorado and University of Tennessee, regular walking can lower blood pressure by as much as 11 points.
Benefit #6 – Provides a Lower Impact Exercise (compared to running) That is Easier on your Joints
Not only does walking provide a lower impact alternative to running, but according to Harvard Health Publishing in 5 surprising benefits of walking, “… walking reduces arthritis related pain, and that walking five to six miles per week can even prevent arthritis from forming in the first place.”
This article also states that walking actually lubricates your joints! My creaky knees are pretty happy to hear this.
And if this isn’t enough, there are also amazing benefits for your mental health.

Given the stressors of everyday life, and the increasing prevalence of mental health issues at all ages, such as anxiety and depression, walking can be used as a tool to help improve your mental health.
The Mental Benefits of Moderate-Intensity Walking
Benefit #7 – Improves your Mood
Walking can boost your mood, improve your self confidence, help to relieve symptoms of anxiety, and even lessen feelings of anger and hostility, according to Steinhilber and Rabbitt.
Walking definitely gives me a boost, especially during our long winters!
Benefit #8 – Inspires Creativity
As a teacher I know that movement is particularly necessary for boys to be able to focus, process and create. So, it is not surprising that adults too are more creative and better problem solvers when they are moving. I absolutely find that I am able to have a fresh perspective on problems when I am able to think about them during a walk.
Benefit #9 – Maintains Human Connections
My weekly walk with my friends is one of the highlights of my week. We laugh, talk and sometimes even cry. Nothing makes a walk more enjoyable than sharing it with these women. It’s a bit of a break from home, the kids and it’s like our own little support group in motion.

Human connection is also very important as you age, as is exercise. As Rabbitt writes, “A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society showed that adults between the ages of 70 and 90 who left the house and were physically active lived longer than those who didn’t. Staying active also helps you stay connected to loved ones and friends who can provide emotional support, which is especially important as you age.”
Tip #1 – Set a Weekly Goal

Lundman suggests that a minimum goal should be between 75 minutes to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity walking each week. If you translate this to daily amounts, it is 10 to 20 minutes daily. Despite busy mom and work schedules, I think you’ve got this!
Tip #2 – Walk With Friends
Nothing keeps you more accountable when trying to achieve a goal than committing to it with a friend or a whole group of friends. When you know there are other busy moms like you lacing up and heading to your meeting place, you are far more likely to get up and go!
Now this doesn’t mean that all of your walks have to be done together. As we know, it can be really hard to find a time that works for everyone, but try to have one weekly walk together to keep some consistency and inspiration.
Tip #3 – Walk Alone in Nature
Some days, walking by myself with no music or headphones or company, along a trail or a quiet back road, is just what I need. Research supports the positive effects of spending time in nature to promote positive mental health, reduce depression and lower anxiety.

I plan to write a post in future about this topic but in the meantime, check out this article for some quick stats on why spending time in nature and the outdoors is important.
Spending time in nature boosts health, study finds by Maureen O’Hare
Tip #4 – Listen to a Podcast
It was a winter walk, alone, at night, while listening to a podcast that actually inspired me to start a blog. Not only did I start this blog, Gravel Road Living, to share my passions and hobbies, but I am also soon starting another blog, I Am Starting a Blog, to chronicle my learning to blog journey.
There are endless genres of podcasts and I think I could walk forever when I am immersed in a great podcast. You can listen for pure enjoyment and entertainment, or for education. Whatever you are interested in, I guarantee there is an awesome podcast episode out there for you so give it a try!
Tip #5 – Invest in a Good Pair of Shoes
Back when I was into running half marathons, I developed a bit of a running shoe research obsession. I spent hours late at night (when I should have been sleeping) reading running shoe reviews and scouring the Comments section to hear what runners were saying. I learned a lot!
As I write this I can hear people yawning and I really can’t blame you but for some reason it fascinated me. I really think that having the right running shoes made a huge difference in how my body held up to longer runs.
If you are in need of a new pair of shoes and plan to make a purchase, take a bit of time to do some research so that you choose a pair that suits your needs.
A recap of the physical and mental health benefits of brisk walking
#1 – Improves Cardiovascular Health
#2 – Strengthens your Joints, Muscle and Bones
#3 – Helps Achieve Weight Loss or Weight Maintenance
#4 – Lowers Risk of Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancers and Chronic Diseases
#5 – Reduces High Blood Pressure and Lowers Cholesterol
#6 – Provides a Lower Impact Exercise (compared to running) That is Easier on your Joints
#7 – Improves your Mood
#8 – Inspires Creativity
#9 – Maintains Human Connection

Enjoy your journey. 🙂
Shout out to my Sunday morning mom walking team who inspired this post!
Yes! And having a dog helps… except when they want to stop and smell everything. I need to walk more because I can. Thanks for reminding bW of all the benefits!! No excuses. ?
My kids would love if we had a dog to stop and smell everything! 🙂 No dog but still love the walking. Maybe some nice quiet time for you amidst the chaos? 🙂