The Good Stuff in 2020

The year is winding down quickly now and in a time such as this, I think the best way to end it is to focus on the good things that have come our way this year.

finding the good things that happened in 2020

It would be soooo easy to discuss all of the challenges, struggles and how much I now hate the word virtual, but I’d prefer to end the year on a note of optimism and appreciation.  Optimism for what is to come, and appreciation for the good stuff that happened during 2020.

What I Appreciate About 2020

Daily connections with my extended family.

My family is large and we are fairly spread out, with a few hours drive separating many of us.  We have the regular family gatherings during summer vacation, birthdays, Thanksgiving and other holidays, but the day-to-day details of our lives are often our own.

Enter WhatsApp.  That is how we started connecting just before Covid hit, as we were planning a big National Lampoon’s style trip to Florida with over 20 of us.  We had a great time chatting about it but it ended up becoming the best trip we never took.

letters that spell family

Then, enter Covid-19.  This same family chat has become our hub during this time apart.  Now, instead of catching up every few months when we have a family gathering, I know that my sister has gone on a 5am run, my niece has just won a big hockey game, the new puppies have had a playdate and someone just bought toilet paper from Costco. 

Although I miss being able to pile into a house and get together, there’s something about sharing the day-to-day mundane details of our lives that creates a personal connection and makes you feel like you are with your family, even when you aren’t.

Having more meals together.

I don’t think many of us realized just how much we were “on the go” heading to practices, games, tournaments, art classes, etc, until this year.  Although I miss many parts of this life, the reality is that our evenings are often wide open now and that means we don’t have to run out the door with a sandwich in hand and are less likely to grab a pizza after a game (because who wants to make dinner after a day at work and an evening at the arena)?

I enjoy knowing there is no need to rush making dinner, eating it or cleaning up.  Not only that, sometimes it’s great to just have nowhere to go or be.

Gratitude for having space to roam and enjoy the outdoors.

I am beyond grateful to live someplace where there is space, hiking and biking trails, trees, water, and just about everything anyone needs to enjoy the outdoors.  I know not everyone is this lucky so I am very appreciative for what I found to be a bit of a sanctuary during 2020.

I’ve enjoyed discovering a few new trails nearby that I didn’t even realize existed and we even stumbled upon a potential tobogganing hill during one of our walks.  I’ve also been able to enjoy walking with my friends outside on open roads, and I also love a walk alone with a podcast or sometimes with nothing at all.

 Appreciation for those who have helped my kids have normal kid experiences.

As things began to slowly open up in the fall, kids’ activities started to resume.  I am so very thankful to the adults who volunteered their time to run these for our kids, all while doing so with new protocols and expectations in place.  It would have been really easy for them not to bother but instead they made things awesome.  

Thank you to the volunteers who ran after school volleyball and basketball programs, to the hockey coaches who made sure our hockey lovers could be on the ice playing a game they love, and to the art class teacher who ran a class at a capacity that meant she probably made way less money than she should have.  

As well, thank you to the teachers who are trying to keep our kids safe and make them feel like the only thing different about school and being a kid now is that you have to wear a mask.  It sounds like my kids are outside every day and their teachers are trying so hard to make it all OK.  

A greater appreciation for life “before” and for the moments that are yet to come.

It is a bit surreal to look back on all of those things we did unassumingly in large groups before 2020… amusement parks, concerts, MLB games, tournaments, even big family gatherings.  When we get to do those things again, we will feel differently because we’ll be knowing, aware, and thankful that those moments have come back.

The struggles of this past year will make what is to come even more special both to plan and to experience.  Being able to gather and be together may always come with a touch of disbelief and gratitude from now on and perhaps that’s not a bad thing.

Thank you for reading along with me during my first year of blogging here at my home on the Internet, Gravel Road Living.  I appreciate you joining me!

Most importantly, I hope you have all had some of the good stuff come your way this year. 🙂


Check Out These Posts That Focus on Some Good Stuff…

100 Conversation Starters for Kids, Teens & Tweens (Free Printable)

Self-Care Kit – The Perfect Gift to Give!

Natural Home Decor Ideas – Bring the Outside In

‘Tis The Season for Family Traditions – 10 Simple Family Tradition Ideas

13 Self Care Ideas That Are Easy and Free

5 Tips to Help our Children and Teens Navigate Covid-19

The Amazing Benefits of Walking

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