13 Self Care Ideas That are Easy and Free!

What is Self Care?

self care ideas
Credit: Jess | Pexels

My simple definition of self care is anything you do, mindfully, to take care of yourself.

  • Anything represents actions and thought patterns.
  • Mindfully means to do something on purpose, with intention, because we know our inner selves.
  • Care can be caring for our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual needs.

Here are two broader definitions that can also help us to better understand what self care means.

Canada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), defines self care as “taking time to do things you enjoy or that make you feel better, especially when you feel stressed.  Self-care can add meaning to your life while also supporting your health.”

According to Moira Lawler, writing for everydayhealth.com in What is Self Care and Why is it So Important for your Health, self care means “taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.”

If we think about these definitions, understanding what self care means seems pretty easy.  I think the hard part is actually practicing (or doing) self care.

So let’s look at:

Why self care is important.

Why being a busy mom means we are kind of crappy at it. 🙂

What are some self care ideas we can start doing today (that are easy and free)?

Why is self care important?

Even during “normal” times, feeling well physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, is not easy.  We know that life often just takes over. 

Balancing relationships, kids, home, work, activities, technology, and more, is stressful.  Throw in late night work emails and video gaming cords scattered like a plague of worms all over your floor, and life can feel pretty zen-less at times.

Our plates are often overflowing and often stress levels seem to be too.

Moreover, Joan Bryden, in Canadians Could Face Huge Increase in Mental Illness Years After COVID-19: Study, states that “A new study suggests Canadians, especially women, will face a potentially explosive increase in mental illness for years after the COVID-10 pandemic is finally over.”  

That’s why it’s important, not selfish, to care for yourself.

Why aren’t busy moms very good at self care?

Here are two mindsets to establish in order to begin to care for yourself and do the things that bring you contentment, lower your stress, and help you be your best self each day.

  1. Recognize that self care is important and needed, not self-indulgent.
  2. Recognize that understanding and knowing yourself is important; this is how you know what you need and how to help yourself.

Moms aren’t usually so great at this.

Words no mom has ever said…

“No, I can’t get you a snack right now.  I need some alone time to think about myself and what I can do to practice self care.”

But, if we shift our mindset to believe that self care is important, and that it requires some personal reflection, then we are more likely to feel good, not guilty, about making it a priority.

In addition to mindset, moms are just busy.  Like, pretty much always.  A commonly cited study by Welch’s found that moms work the equivalent of over 2 full time jobs.

 Yet another reason why self care usually sits all the way at the back of the bus!

So let’s shift our mindset to move self care to the passenger seat and give it a special place in our busy days.

self care ideas gravel road living
Credit: M Inouye | Pexels

Making Self Care Doable

Thankfully, taking care of ourselves doesn’t have to require a lot of time, money or effort.

Self care is about intentionally and mindfully doing the things that you have identified as helping you to be well.  Self care is not about getting a mani/pedi.  Although those are pretty great too!

If you’ve been neglecting yourself, don’t feel guilty.  Instead, just feel motivated to start!  

If you need a place to begin, here are 13 self care ideas that you can do, starting today, to practice self care.   Best of all, they are easy and free!

13 Self Care Ideas That are Easy and Free

1. Prioritize Your Sleep

The first thing that comes to mind as I write this are those oh so exhausting years when my kids were babies.  Sleep was just an elusive luxury I didn’t think I’d ever get to experience again.  Now, instead of babies keeping me awake, I tend to wake up to my work to-do list running through my mind at 4:00am.  Why always 4:00am?!

Despite all of the things that challenge our ability to sleep, getting regular sleep is important.

Credit: Jaclou-u | Pixabay

According to Harvard Medical School’s Division of Sleep Medicine, “Study after study has revealed that people who sleep poorly are at greater risk for a number of diseases and health problems.”  

And, according to the National Sleep Foundation , women should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.  Yep, I bet you’re not getting enough.

(The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to eight hours of sleep for people over age 64 and seven to nine hours for ages 18 to 64). 

Getting enough sleep is not necessarily easy but making a few changes so that your own sleep becomes more of a priority can be. For example, put down your to do list a half hour earlier, and instead, sit with a cup of herbal tea to finish off your long day.

If you would like some tips on how to improve your sleep, check out Harvard Health Publishing’s 8 Secret’s to a Good Night’s Sleep.  

2. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude simply means to acknowledge and feel thankful for the blessings in your life. 

Credit: G Henderson | Unsplash

These past few months I’ve found myself waking up in the morning, reaching for my phone and checking my email before I even got out of bed.  Although it’s hard not to do this, practicing gratitude is a much more positive way to start my day.

Beginning or ending your day with gratitude can be the positive moment you need to feel better.

Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.

Psychology Today, 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude

 3. Say No

It is much easier to make yourself more of a priority if you aren’t bogged down in commitments to which you’ve said yes – when you really wanted to say no.  

If you are a people pleaser and find it really hard to say no, you probably need a little extra support to actually do this.

If so, Stress Relief: When and How to Say No, shares things to consider when deciding whether or not to say no.  They include:

  • Focus on what matters most
  • Weigh the yes-to-stress ratio
  • Take guilt out of the equation
  • Sleep on it

And I really love these simple tips on how to say no:

  • Say no
  • Be brief
  • Be honest
  • Be respectful
  • Be ready to repeat

You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no.


4. Appreciate the Moment

Growing up, I was one of 5 children and we were all involved in a variety of sports and other activities.  My dad was often a chauffeur, beginning his dad-taxi shift after he was done work and often not getting home until 10:00pm.

He never once complained.

I recall coming out to the car after a practice ran quite late one night and apologizing for making him wait so long.  He was completely unphased by even more time sitting in the car.  He simply said, “You have to be somewhere.  Why not be here?”

I’ve never forgotten that. 

It reminds me to not be in a rush.  Enjoy being still.  Look out the window. 

Also, wait patiently while your kid runs back into the house because he forgot his hockey stick even though you reminded him 9 times.  Oh, and this happened yesterday. 🙂

My dad also recently shared this article with me about how dogs can teach us to live in the moment.  It is a lovely read that I’m sure you will all enjoy, whether you have a pup at home or not.

5. Eat More Healthy Foods

This one is a note to self.  I love all things carbs and cheese sooo I’m on this journey with you to eat more healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.  They are good for us.  I (we?) should eat more of them.  

You can find endless resources on healthy eating but I’m linking to this one, How to Practice Self Care With Food, by Callie Exas and Brett Klein.

I chose it because it contains this quote:  “I’ve never tried, but eating only kale sounds soul-crushing.” 

This tells me that the advice in it is realistic.  It also shares a holistic and positive attitude toward food and eating.

 6. Connect With Someone

A few times each year I take a weekend road trip to visit my long time friends in the town in which I first started my teaching career over 20 years ago.  We relax, we eat, we laugh and we connect.  I always feel so welcomed and it’s always exactly what I need. 

We may not live close enough to meet up for a glass of wine on a random Friday night but my road trips prove to me that connection is to be valued and it is wonderful for self care.

Credit: J Ferlic | Unsplash

The benefits of social connections are truly vast.  Benefits include improved physical health, increased longevity, a stronger immune system, lower rates of anxiety and depression, and higher self esteem, among many others.  This is outlined in Connect to Thrive by Dr. Emma Seppala.

“…the truth of the matter is that a sense of social connection is one of our fundamental human needs.”

E. Sepalla, Ph.D.

It sounds so simple but life can become so busy that it can be a challenge to find the time to connect. 

Has it been a long time since you’ve seen a good friend?  Give them a call and book a date today.

7. Walk

Exercise is a key aspect of self care and walking is a really simple way to get some great fitness in!  No need for a gym membership or special equipment.  Rather, a pair of runners is all you need. 

You will be surprised at just how good walking is for you.  I’ve summarized the benefits here in The Amazing Benefits of Walking.

Walking is also a great way to connect with a friend!

8. Do Something Kind for Someone

On a few occasions over the years, as I’ve hit the drive through at Tim’s for my morning tea, the cashier has told me that the driver in front of me has paid for my order.  It’s so fun to pay it forward and surprise the driver behind me.  That one tea put a smile on 4 faces… the driver in front of me, the cashier, me, and the driver behind me.  It really is a ripple effect and is a little reminder that we are surrounded by goodness.  

A kind act is one of those magical things that is so easy yet so meaningful.  

Performing an act of kindness shifts our attention to a positive that can be helpful when our mind is busy worrying or stressing.

B. Howatt, The Unexpected Benefits of Being Kind

9. Unplug from Technology

Cell phones, video games, social media, online learning, email… it can feel consuming and exhausting.  I am guilty of not disconnecting enough and I know I need to do it more. 

In fact, if you think about this list of self care ideas, disconnecting from technology is needed in order to do many of them, such as appreciating the moment and writing in a journal.

In Five Reasons to Take a Break From Screens, M. Gomes shares that “Excessive media use is not good for us physically, mentally, or emotionally.” 

Based on her research she has found that disconnecting from technology includes benefits such as:

  • Greater present-moment awareness
  • Better sleep
  • Deepened connections
  • Improved productivity and learning
  • Supports breaking the tech habit

Thus, the more we do it, the easier it will become.

10. Write in a Journal

I love to write so I love to journal but I was truly surprised by all of the benefits of doing so! 

5 Ways a Journal Can Help With Self-Care actually identifies far more than 5 positive outcomes.  Journaling can help you to:

  • Boost confidence & self esteem
  • Set personal goals
  • Unplug from technology
  • Work through problems
  • Increase creativity
  • Boost your mood
  • Get to know yourself

It’s nice to see how interconnected all of these self care ideas really are. Another reason to shift our mindset to make it a priority!

11. Spend Time in Nature

This is one of my favourites and it can be combined with so many other self care ideas.  Walk in the woods.  Appreciate the moment while in nature.  Write in your journal outside.

Sunshine, fresh air, natural light, a beach… all of these things bring me happiness and help reduce my stress. 

And being outside doesn’t cost a penny!

A nearby trail I love!

As a high school guidance counselor, I can see that teens lose their connection to nature and the outdoors as their connection to technology increases.  Encouraging them to be outside, without technology, gives them the opportunity to be alone and not feel the pressure to be constantly connected.  They don’t even know they need this break, and they won’t believe us if we tell them so, but sometimes parents are right. 🙂

12. De-Clutter

I love to de-clutter.  In fact, I’m probably someone who takes it too far because I tend to “de-clutter away” items I end up needing.  Oops.  I’m working on it.  

However, research shows that clutter is actually bad for your health.  “In one study, researchers at UCLA found that mothers who described their homes as “cluttered” had a stress hormone profile indicative of chronic stress” writes Dr. Tiffany Young in How Clutter Affects Your Health.

We all need space to be and to breathe, and being weighed down by stuff makes this difficult. 

The nice thing about taking a bit of time to de-clutter (just work on one space at time), is that you can actually see the impact of your efforts.  It’s not always easy to find the time to de-clutter but I sure find it satisfying!

13. Ask for Help

A few weeks ago I asked my husband to take the kids away in the morning and not come home until bedtime.  (I’m not really sure I should have just shared that).

Anyway, he did and they had a great day.  They visited with kind and generous friends, and had a personal tour of the amazing Shaw’s Ice Cream factory to boot!

I had a great day too.  I hadn’t been alone in the house for a whole day for almost 6 months and I just needed to be alone, all day, in my home.

Whether it’s needed alone time, a helping hand so you can get out for a long walk, or time away to connect with a friend, having the mindset that self care is not selfish, makes asking for help feel more comfortable and natural.


#1 Prioritize Your Sleep
#2 Practice Gratitude
#3 Say No
#4 Appreciate the Moment
#5 Eat More Healthy Foods
#6 Connect With Someone
#7 Walk
#8 Do Something Kind
#9 Unplug From Technology
#10 Write in a Journal
#11 Spend Time in Nature
#12 De-Clutter
#13 Ask For Help

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Save for later! 🙂

There’s never been a better time for busy women to practice a little bit of self care. Be well! KJ 🙂
















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